Saturday, May 24, 2014

Finally feeling like spring

It finally got to 70 degrees so we went on a long walk at the Cuyahoga valley parks! Everyone enjoyed it, including Violet!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Recent videos of Sophia
Sophia really loves the sponge bob square pants theme song. In fact, sometimes that is all of the show that she will watch. After it is over she will resume playing. 

I just realized today she is not trying to do the Macarena 

Big Spring event at the botanical gardens

The gardens even had an "Alice in Wonderland" esque area for kids with a dress up stage and a tea party area and a hedge maze among other areas. You can see above Sophia with her bumble bee wings! 

Spring sightings

It got into the 70s last week so we went for a hike! Sophia was having a ball and violet was sniffing everything!

And here we are wearing bright colors to try and encourage spring to come!


Sophia really started walking more while we were in myrtle beach. It was very exciting but the house was not baby prodded so it required a lot more observation!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Myrtle Beach

At the myrtle beach house!
Cousin Maddie, I found my flip flop so I'm ready to go to the pool!
Eating some delicious lo mein at e noodles 
I love crepes!!
Happy girls in the sunshine!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cavs Game

We started out with good
Intentions (protective headgear, not playin with anything that touched the ground), but by the end of the game the gloves were off. Not only did she take off her hearing protection but she was playing with mustard containers she found on the ground (unopened at least) and trying to walk everywhere and get into everything. That's how it goes sometimes I guess.