Sunday, March 30, 2014

Myrtle Beach

At the myrtle beach house!
Cousin Maddie, I found my flip flop so I'm ready to go to the pool!
Eating some delicious lo mein at e noodles 
I love crepes!!
Happy girls in the sunshine!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cavs Game

We started out with good
Intentions (protective headgear, not playin with anything that touched the ground), but by the end of the game the gloves were off. Not only did she take off her hearing protection but she was playing with mustard containers she found on the ground (unopened at least) and trying to walk everywhere and get into everything. That's how it goes sometimes I guess. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St Patricks day!

Happy St Patricks day!

We went to the pediatrition today and got Sophia's 1 year checkup. 
She weighs 23 lbs 10 oz
She is 30.5 inches tall
She is in the 91st percentile of growth for her age.

My big girl is getting more confident with her walking- she started taking independent steps on March 7, but she still likes to have a stabilizer handy. 

She got 3 shots today and she was so brave! It might have helped that we got lunch at chipotle afterwards- she ate her entire quesadilla by herself!

We stopped at a local childrens resale shop which is going out of business afterwards too. I am really sad they are going out of business but everything is 50% off now which is nice. I got Sophia several things for the summer and I can't wait for her to wear them. We're going to myrtle beach this weekend for a week so even though it's going to be cool by myrtle beach standards, it'll be warmer than it is here and I can dress her up in some new things. I'm so excited!

Happy first birthday Sophia!

Happy birthday Sophia!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

More photoshoot

This first one was a little "glamour shoot" we did before her cake smash. 

And here's more of her cake smash! 

The photographer even put this one in a contest!
Thanks again to Kristen of sweet studios in twinsburg!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

10 month update

Sophia was 10 months on the 15th! She is about 23 pounds and 29 inches tall (by our measurements). She's in the 90th percentile or more for all her stats. She feeds herself and can use any kind of sippy cup you want to hand her way. She isn't walking yet but she will "cruse" on any furnature her height-aka walk around with her hands holding on for balance. She isn't really focused on walking, however, but I bet that one of these days she'll just up and decide to do it (like she did with crawling). 

She likes running errands like taking the dog on walks and going grocery shopping. 

Here she is with a card from her lady baby friends. 

We even had a day where we both wore flannels and leggings. Mommy and Sophia coordinating day!

Cake smash photo shoot preview

Yesterday Sophia did a cake smash photo shoot with a friend of Stephen's aunt who is starting a photo studio. We had a lot of fun!