Sunday, September 15, 2013

6 Months Old and Our First Kid Birthday Party!

Our little beauty is 6 months old today! I look back at pictures of her when she was a newborn and I can't believe how much she has grown! She is a healthy, beautiful, amazing little person with so much personality. It seems like she is like a snowball rolling down a hill- all her accomplishments started smaller and slower and now it seems like she is able to do something new every day! Stephen sent me a picture of her holding her own bottle with no help at work yesterday, and she has recently become able to sit up all by herself! Now, I wouldn't let her sit by herself yet because she gets distracted and falls over very easily, but just to look down and realize that she is not leaning on you is astounding. She can roll over without any trouble, she is eating and enjoying food, and she has her own little sense of humor that cracks me up every time. She is really interested in crawling and I am sure that she will be going everywhere and getting into everything before Christmas (and maybe even before Thanksgiving).
My friend Amanda has a little girl named Lindsay and she is turning 1 this week! We went to her birthday party and it was a lot of fun. Sophia had a fancy party outfit on but I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it, but rest assured it included a tutu and lots of polka dots.

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