It seems lately that I've been getting quite a few emails and phone calls about my resume and offering me interviews. Little do they know, that I not only am employed, but I'm not looking for any more responsibility, seeing as making a baby seems to be quite the responsibility. I have a responsibility to take naps, and eat every hour and a half, and watch more than my fair share of Netflix. I also had put a profile up on this website called about being a babysitter/nanny, and a local couple with two very sweet boys called me and I'm starting with them on Friday! It's really nice because they tell me they will know their schedule in advance, so I can plan it out with the Gap, and they only want me 2 days a week, or so, which is perfect. The boys are 7 months and 2 years, and were very sweet and not too rambunctious when I met them. I'm looking forward to it- plus it will be great preparation for my own future.
I finally did something about my car yesterday. I was going to let Stephen call the car dealership and give them a piece of his mind, but he kept putting it off, so I eventually called them yesterday and was nice about it. I called the local Mazda dealer and they gave me a lower estimate for the problem I was told about, so I (carefully) took it there yesterday. They said they would check it out for themselves and get back to me today or tomorrow. Which is much better than the 4 business days plus a weekend that the other dealer took to get back to me... I'm really looking forward to having it back!
EDIT: I talked to someone at the Mazda dealership today at 11 and they said that they could have my car ready by noon tomorrow, probably. Fantastic! It'll still cost a pretty penny, but at least I'll be able to use it.
I'm pretty sure I'm gaining a healthy amount of baby weight with all the waffles I ate yesterday. I may have said this before, but when I read that your not supposed to change your caloric intake in the first trimester, I was surprised. I am literally hungry every hour and a half to two hours. I feel as if I haven't eaten all day. I get queasy in the morning and it actually helps when I eat something. On that note, I'm off to eat something.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Re Arranging
Well it was suddenly decided that we are having a BBQ at our house (apparently my Stephen's fellow soldiers, not Stephen) so we had to tackle the issue of seating. So we re-arranged the entire living room. I was concerned about the color schemes looking awful together, but all the muted but rich tones actually came together really nicely! I got some fabric and made a new cover for the IKEA couch/chair/bed that the Millet parents gave to us, and it matches, looks, and feels really nice.
Curtains would be nice, but I have some (I love that IKEA) and I just need a rod for them. Those lamps are from the Millets, just with new shades. Love them! Out bookshelf and the rug that was in Stephen's room got moved into our bedroom, and I actually think they fill up the space nicely. I was saying I was going for the "minimalism" feel in our room, but really we just didn't have much to put in there.
We were going to wait and not wreck Stephen's "Man Room" for a bit longer, but then the BBQ came up and we thought that it's better to do the moving now, rather than later when I'm too pregnant to help as much.
I've been doing alright, but feeling more queasy in the mornings. I had been making Stephen fruit and protein powder shakes every morning after PT, and I've started splitting them half and half, rather than giving him most of it and just having a little glass myself. They give me a little something in my stomach and are good to take my prenatal vitamin with, and those help a lot with the "yucky tummy", and I've termed it.
I don't know why, but I was up at 2 last night and I couldn't get back to sleep. So what did I do? Have a bowl of cereal, of course. I was hungry! At 2 AM, why not? I think my mind was keeping me awake because I kept thinking about having everything ready for the BBQ. I decided that since I had the time, I would cook up some dried beans to put in the salsa instead of using canned beans. The cereal and that bout of bean "productiveness" helped me feel ready to go back to sleep. But by that time, Violet had sneaked into the bed, pushing Stephen into the middle, so I felt like sleeping like a plank was the only option. Not always the most comfortable. Violet will start the night in her own bed (A nice fluffy soft and cozy giant dog pillow, I might add) but she should be recruited by the British Secret Service because I am pretty sure she could teach 007 a thing or two about sneaking. And getting shoe soles out of any type of shoes (including Military boots- how does she even get down there?!?). That's her super power, I guess.
I've been smelling more, too. Violet, and a faint "heat" smell especially. I think the heat smell is just my computer or other electronics that have been on for a while. But Violet has been getting what she considers to be more than her fair share of baths and tooth brushing lately. I can smell her everywhere and it doesn't always sit well with me. But then again, baths and tooth brushing doesn't always sit well with her.
Yes, that Chair on the right was polka dotted at one point. Fun in a game room, but blue matches my living room better.
Like this.
Like this.
Curtains would be nice, but I have some (I love that IKEA) and I just need a rod for them. Those lamps are from the Millets, just with new shades. Love them! Out bookshelf and the rug that was in Stephen's room got moved into our bedroom, and I actually think they fill up the space nicely. I was saying I was going for the "minimalism" feel in our room, but really we just didn't have much to put in there.
We were going to wait and not wreck Stephen's "Man Room" for a bit longer, but then the BBQ came up and we thought that it's better to do the moving now, rather than later when I'm too pregnant to help as much.
I've been doing alright, but feeling more queasy in the mornings. I had been making Stephen fruit and protein powder shakes every morning after PT, and I've started splitting them half and half, rather than giving him most of it and just having a little glass myself. They give me a little something in my stomach and are good to take my prenatal vitamin with, and those help a lot with the "yucky tummy", and I've termed it.
I don't know why, but I was up at 2 last night and I couldn't get back to sleep. So what did I do? Have a bowl of cereal, of course. I was hungry! At 2 AM, why not? I think my mind was keeping me awake because I kept thinking about having everything ready for the BBQ. I decided that since I had the time, I would cook up some dried beans to put in the salsa instead of using canned beans. The cereal and that bout of bean "productiveness" helped me feel ready to go back to sleep. But by that time, Violet had sneaked into the bed, pushing Stephen into the middle, so I felt like sleeping like a plank was the only option. Not always the most comfortable. Violet will start the night in her own bed (A nice fluffy soft and cozy giant dog pillow, I might add) but she should be recruited by the British Secret Service because I am pretty sure she could teach 007 a thing or two about sneaking. And getting shoe soles out of any type of shoes (including Military boots- how does she even get down there?!?). That's her super power, I guess.
I've been smelling more, too. Violet, and a faint "heat" smell especially. I think the heat smell is just my computer or other electronics that have been on for a while. But Violet has been getting what she considers to be more than her fair share of baths and tooth brushing lately. I can smell her everywhere and it doesn't always sit well with me. But then again, baths and tooth brushing doesn't always sit well with her.
"Et tu, Daddy? I trusted you, and you picked me up and put me in the bath!"
Oh- The car dealership called me back about my car. Apparently it's a faulty fuel pump. Which seems like something they should have caught in the checklist...that I asked to see but never got to see...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Big Whoop
Well, yesterday was my first pregnancy-related doctors appointment. As Stephen often says, however, the military is a whole lot of "hurry up and wait'. I suppose the same would be true with military healthcare. We got there over 20 minutes early, and filled out some paperwork, then were ushered into a classroom of sorts. We were the first ones there, and only 3 out of 7 or 8 people who were supposed to come to our class were actually there on time. They gave us a power point on pregnancy dos and don'ts, and then told us to schedule our next appointments and ultrasounds and head to the lab to give some samples. I will say, while I am NOT a huge fan of giving blood, every time I've done it in a military hospital, they are very skilled and it hardly hurts at all. Stephen says it's because they have the soldiers give blood so often that everyone is very well practiced. I still ask them to be gentle.
I felt a bit sick this morning when Stephen came home from PT and woke me up, but I made us a mango-peach-protein powder smoothie and ate some of the strawberry-banana bread I made the other day and am feeling much better. I've been pretty good about taking my prenatal vitamins but I think I forgot one yesterday. They offered to give us a prescription for one at the class yesterday, and I simultaneously thought "Aw man, I could have saved $15!" and "It'd almost be embarrassing to not have them by now.". My final thoughts convened that I got to choose my vitamins, so I was happy with them. They have are all natural, and have ginger in them, so if I can get them down before the nausea overcomes me, I'm pretty well off.
I've been pretty lucky with symptoms lately, mostly just tired and hungry with small bouts of nausea/dizziness, but last night while I was trying to fall asleep, I was so itchy I was convinced there were bugs crawling on me or something. I have a single bug bite on my ankle, but I felt it under my arms, on my back, on my neck, and on my legs. It was crazy. When I woke up this morning, I checked everywhere and there were no signs of bites or anything, so when Stephen told me it's just part of the uncomfortableness of being pregnant, I believed him. The only thing that helped me last night was Gold Bond lotion. My mom used to put it on us when we were itchy as kids, and I would protest because I thought it smelled so gross. But Stephen swears by it, so I used it, and it not only helped, but I fortunately no longer think it smells repulsive.
I'm still sore from the yoga class Stephen and I went to on Monday, but all I've been wanting to do is nap these past few days, so I really think it was a good thing to get some exercise and I really enjoyed doing something together with my sweetie. It seems like I literally just bake, nap, watch netflix, make dinner, fall asleep again. I feel accomplished if I make it out to get the mail. My car is still in the shop, and I haven't called them or heard from them, so I am a bit nervous. I hate this feeling that I have that everything I need to work isn't working. But it's really just my car and my washing machine (my washing machine doesn't spin out clothes at the end well, so they are all soaking wet). But as long as my sweetie comes home every night and we cuddle and watch netflix and eat whatever baked good I made that day (last night it was a apple-peach-mango crumble! Heaven!), I've got it pretty good. Oh, and daily naps. They are so awesome.
I felt a bit sick this morning when Stephen came home from PT and woke me up, but I made us a mango-peach-protein powder smoothie and ate some of the strawberry-banana bread I made the other day and am feeling much better. I've been pretty good about taking my prenatal vitamins but I think I forgot one yesterday. They offered to give us a prescription for one at the class yesterday, and I simultaneously thought "Aw man, I could have saved $15!" and "It'd almost be embarrassing to not have them by now.". My final thoughts convened that I got to choose my vitamins, so I was happy with them. They have are all natural, and have ginger in them, so if I can get them down before the nausea overcomes me, I'm pretty well off.
I've been pretty lucky with symptoms lately, mostly just tired and hungry with small bouts of nausea/dizziness, but last night while I was trying to fall asleep, I was so itchy I was convinced there were bugs crawling on me or something. I have a single bug bite on my ankle, but I felt it under my arms, on my back, on my neck, and on my legs. It was crazy. When I woke up this morning, I checked everywhere and there were no signs of bites or anything, so when Stephen told me it's just part of the uncomfortableness of being pregnant, I believed him. The only thing that helped me last night was Gold Bond lotion. My mom used to put it on us when we were itchy as kids, and I would protest because I thought it smelled so gross. But Stephen swears by it, so I used it, and it not only helped, but I fortunately no longer think it smells repulsive.
I'm still sore from the yoga class Stephen and I went to on Monday, but all I've been wanting to do is nap these past few days, so I really think it was a good thing to get some exercise and I really enjoyed doing something together with my sweetie. It seems like I literally just bake, nap, watch netflix, make dinner, fall asleep again. I feel accomplished if I make it out to get the mail. My car is still in the shop, and I haven't called them or heard from them, so I am a bit nervous. I hate this feeling that I have that everything I need to work isn't working. But it's really just my car and my washing machine (my washing machine doesn't spin out clothes at the end well, so they are all soaking wet). But as long as my sweetie comes home every night and we cuddle and watch netflix and eat whatever baked good I made that day (last night it was a apple-peach-mango crumble! Heaven!), I've got it pretty good. Oh, and daily naps. They are so awesome.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
If My Math Is Correct
My first OB-GYN appointment is two days away, and I am getting more and more eager to find out how far along I am. I signed up for (I was already on for weddings... so I just told it I was having a baby) and it sent me an email on the 18th telling me I'm 6 weeks along. I did not expect to be that far into it, but I suppose that I'm just wanting to get this thing going already so I'm not upset. I'd rather be out of the 1st trimester and showing a bit and yelling at people to not touch my belly without asking already. It's better than feeling like I look bloated all the time, but knowing that it's not a baby, it's just me.
Yesterday was my 23rd birthday, and somehow being 23 makes me feel a bit more ready to have a baby than 22. My mother was 24 and had been married for over 4 years when I (her first) was born, but Stephen and I haven't even had out first anniversary yet. Still, I'm not feeling too nervous about it. Stephen is going to be an amazing father. He's definitely going to be the fun one, though. I'm going to be the business. It's already obvious with out pup, Violet.
I'm think I'm going to put it on facebook that we're expecting after my doctor appointment on the 24th. My car was having engine trouble (I just bought it two weeks ago! I don't even have plates yet!) so I took it back to the dealer on Friday, and I'm hoping that they'll do the right thing and fix it or help me out. I need a car. Awkwardly, it's kind of a sporty car, and I'm not 100% sure it'd be a great mommy car, so if they shouldn't have sold it to me, maybe they will help me put my money towards something else more practical. It's a Mazda, but I bought it from a local Honda dealer, so it can only get safer, right? Luckily I am only working 1 day this week with a few on calls, so I don't have to worry about getting to and from work. I have been enjoying taking Violet on walks at the local park, and it's just too far to walk (there's no sidewalks) so it will be back to walks around the neighborhood again. I used to jog 4 or 5 days a week, but ever since I found out I was expecting, I've switched to taking Violet for long walks every other day, or so. It's relaxing but I still get my heartbeat up and get some exercise. It works.
Yesterday was my 23rd birthday, and somehow being 23 makes me feel a bit more ready to have a baby than 22. My mother was 24 and had been married for over 4 years when I (her first) was born, but Stephen and I haven't even had out first anniversary yet. Still, I'm not feeling too nervous about it. Stephen is going to be an amazing father. He's definitely going to be the fun one, though. I'm going to be the business. It's already obvious with out pup, Violet.
Out for my birthday dinner in Austin
I'm think I'm going to put it on facebook that we're expecting after my doctor appointment on the 24th. My car was having engine trouble (I just bought it two weeks ago! I don't even have plates yet!) so I took it back to the dealer on Friday, and I'm hoping that they'll do the right thing and fix it or help me out. I need a car. Awkwardly, it's kind of a sporty car, and I'm not 100% sure it'd be a great mommy car, so if they shouldn't have sold it to me, maybe they will help me put my money towards something else more practical. It's a Mazda, but I bought it from a local Honda dealer, so it can only get safer, right? Luckily I am only working 1 day this week with a few on calls, so I don't have to worry about getting to and from work. I have been enjoying taking Violet on walks at the local park, and it's just too far to walk (there's no sidewalks) so it will be back to walks around the neighborhood again. I used to jog 4 or 5 days a week, but ever since I found out I was expecting, I've switched to taking Violet for long walks every other day, or so. It's relaxing but I still get my heartbeat up and get some exercise. It works.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
One of Many Firsts
I believe I had my first pregnancy-hormone-fueled emotional breakdown today.
Also, I would like to strongly suggest to the publishers of What to Expect When You're Expecting (the book, not the sad excuse for a movie) that it should only come in kindle format with each month's chapter being password protected. You should be gently forewarned by a medical professional before reading your near future. A nervous first time mom to be should really not be allowed to read ahead in that book! You think that you'll just browse the next chapter or two, and before you know it you're 500 pages in and scared of things you didn't even know your body could do.
I mean, the smelling things you don't normally smell, the constant tiredness, the frequent runs to the bathroom- all these arn't do bad. Especially when compared to the declining lack of control over your own body that is soon to follow. It truly is frightening.
I'm not very far along; my first OB-GYN appointment is in just over a week. Regardless, I am already allowing myself to indulge in ice cream, as well as apparently strong experiencing floods of emotion. Similarly, I'm not so sure what all the fuss was about, not that it's over. Stephen will be amazing with kids (and is already great with me and my crazy emotions), our families are already excited, and I have nine months to get used to the whole idea.
Well, just under 9 months. Which currently seems both too long, and not long enough.
Also, I would like to strongly suggest to the publishers of What to Expect When You're Expecting (the book, not the sad excuse for a movie) that it should only come in kindle format with each month's chapter being password protected. You should be gently forewarned by a medical professional before reading your near future. A nervous first time mom to be should really not be allowed to read ahead in that book! You think that you'll just browse the next chapter or two, and before you know it you're 500 pages in and scared of things you didn't even know your body could do.
I mean, the smelling things you don't normally smell, the constant tiredness, the frequent runs to the bathroom- all these arn't do bad. Especially when compared to the declining lack of control over your own body that is soon to follow. It truly is frightening.
I'm not very far along; my first OB-GYN appointment is in just over a week. Regardless, I am already allowing myself to indulge in ice cream, as well as apparently strong experiencing floods of emotion. Similarly, I'm not so sure what all the fuss was about, not that it's over. Stephen will be amazing with kids (and is already great with me and my crazy emotions), our families are already excited, and I have nine months to get used to the whole idea.
Well, just under 9 months. Which currently seems both too long, and not long enough.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Unexpected Surprise
I have always been a planner. My husband says I am even over methodical sometimes. He, on the other hand, is what I would call a free spirit. Not a planner, an organizer, or a time manager. But he keeps me from getting too serious and I keep him productive and on track. It's a good match.
But sometimes, your system gets overturned. Sometimes even a planned life gets surprises.
I found out on July 9. I won't go into the whole story, but after I found out we were going to have a baby, I cried, then ate quite a bit of ice cream, then frantically tried to get a hold of my husband, Stephen. He is in the Army, so being able to contact him while he's at work can be rather difficult. When I finally got to talk to him, I couldn't even tell if he was smiling or shaking. It soon became clear that he is very excited. Our parents and families also gave us appropriately excited responses, and I'm half convinced our dog, Violet, knows as well.
I think that the funniest part of the whole thing is that Stephen and I have the little silly details on our minds. What will I wear when I have a bump the size of a watermelon to carry around every day? How old should the baby be when Stephen reads the Chronicles of Narnia to him/her? Can we all learn a second language together, or should we try and become fluent beforehand so we speak both to the baby from the start?
None of these things really matter right now. We two are happy and healthy and are going to become three. We have amazing families, and even though they live half the country away, we can still feel their love and support.
It's all going to work out fine.
But sometimes, your system gets overturned. Sometimes even a planned life gets surprises.
I found out on July 9. I won't go into the whole story, but after I found out we were going to have a baby, I cried, then ate quite a bit of ice cream, then frantically tried to get a hold of my husband, Stephen. He is in the Army, so being able to contact him while he's at work can be rather difficult. When I finally got to talk to him, I couldn't even tell if he was smiling or shaking. It soon became clear that he is very excited. Our parents and families also gave us appropriately excited responses, and I'm half convinced our dog, Violet, knows as well.
I think that the funniest part of the whole thing is that Stephen and I have the little silly details on our minds. What will I wear when I have a bump the size of a watermelon to carry around every day? How old should the baby be when Stephen reads the Chronicles of Narnia to him/her? Can we all learn a second language together, or should we try and become fluent beforehand so we speak both to the baby from the start?
None of these things really matter right now. We two are happy and healthy and are going to become three. We have amazing families, and even though they live half the country away, we can still feel their love and support.
It's all going to work out fine.
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