Thursday, July 12, 2012

Unexpected Surprise

I have always been a planner. My husband says I am even over methodical sometimes. He, on the other hand, is what I would call a free spirit. Not a planner, an organizer, or a time manager. But he keeps me from getting too serious and I keep him productive and on track. It's a good match.

But sometimes, your system gets overturned. Sometimes even a planned life gets surprises.

I found out on July 9. I won't go into the whole story, but after I found out we were going to have a baby, I cried, then ate quite a bit of ice cream, then frantically tried to get a hold of my husband, Stephen. He is in the Army, so being able to contact him while he's at work can be rather difficult. When I finally got to talk to him, I couldn't even tell if he was smiling or shaking. It soon became clear that he is very excited. Our parents and families also gave us appropriately excited responses, and I'm half convinced our dog, Violet, knows as well. 

I think that the funniest part of the whole thing is that Stephen and I have the little silly details on our minds. What will I wear when I have a bump the size of a watermelon to carry around every day? How old should the baby be when Stephen reads the Chronicles of Narnia to him/her? Can we all learn a second language together, or should we try and become fluent beforehand so we speak both to the baby from the start?

None of these things really matter right now. We two are happy and healthy and are going to become three.  We have amazing families, and even though they live half the country away, we can still feel their love and support.

It's all going to work out fine.

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