Sunday, July 22, 2012

If My Math Is Correct

My first OB-GYN appointment is two days away, and I am getting more and more eager to find out how far along I am.  I signed up for (I was already on for weddings... so I just told it I was having a baby) and it sent me an email on the 18th telling me I'm 6 weeks along. I did not expect to be that far into it, but I suppose that I'm just wanting to get this thing going already so I'm not upset.  I'd rather be out of the 1st trimester and showing a bit and yelling at people to not touch my belly without asking already. It's better than feeling like I look bloated all the time, but knowing that it's not a baby, it's just me.
Yesterday was my 23rd birthday, and somehow being 23 makes me feel a bit more ready to have a baby than 22. My mother was 24 and had been married for over 4 years when I (her first) was born, but Stephen and I haven't even had out first anniversary yet. Still,  I'm not feeling too nervous about it. Stephen is going to be an amazing father. He's definitely going to be the fun one, though. I'm going to be the business. It's already obvious with out pup, Violet.
 Out for my birthday dinner in Austin

I'm think I'm going to put it on facebook that we're expecting after my doctor appointment on the 24th. My car was having engine trouble (I just bought it two weeks ago! I don't even have plates yet!) so I took it back to the dealer on Friday, and I'm hoping that they'll do the right thing and fix it or help me out. I need a car. Awkwardly, it's kind of a sporty car, and I'm not 100% sure it'd be a great mommy car, so if they shouldn't have sold it to me, maybe they will help me put my money towards something else more practical. It's a Mazda, but I bought it from a local Honda dealer, so it can only get safer, right? Luckily I am only working 1 day this week with a few on calls, so I don't have to worry about getting to and from work. I have been enjoying taking Violet on walks at the local park, and it's just too far to walk (there's no sidewalks) so it will be back to walks around the neighborhood again. I used to jog 4 or 5 days a week, but ever since I found out I was expecting, I've switched to taking Violet for long walks every other day, or so. It's relaxing but I still get my heartbeat up and get some exercise. It works.

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