Friday, April 12, 2013

April so far

It's hard to believe that in just two days, my little one will be a month old! This blog hasn't been getting updated as often as it could because we've been pretty busy learning about being a family. Sophia has gotten bigger so quickly- she hasn't fit into her newborn clothes for over a week and a half now! I took them to my friend Melissa who had a baby on the 3rd, and I'm glad she can use them for a while at least.
While our families were here we took the opportunity to go up to Waco and see the Dr Pepper Museum. Stephen and I like getting family pictures even more now!

Silly Girl

These pictures were from Easter (if you couldn't guess by the bunny basket and onesie). Obviously, Sophia didn't get any candy this year, but next year will be so much fun with her! I can't wait for all the holidays when my little baby grows into a little kid! (Not that I don't already enjoy every minute with her anyways!)

And here is Sophia and mommy today. We just got back from grocery shopping and she has some crazy hat hair, but she looks cute as always! She has put on some healthy weight, and always seems to be getting bigger! I think she is just the most beautiful little girl!

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