I know the black and white stripe shirt here has a "jailbird" look to it, but I think the pink softens it. And she always looks cute!
It's hard to imagine, bit I go back to work two weeks from tomorrow. Woah! I've been trying to prepare all this week. I found a big chest freezer on Craigslist for a price I was willing to pay, and have been stocking it with food not only for Sophia but for the big people too. I got my hair cut- it's very short but it has a lot of style and I can just wash and go, or I can style it, depending on my morning. I think that the task that has been intimidating me the most is finding a nanny for Sophia. I got the list of in home child care providers in my post's program and I have found it difficult to just look at a list of abvreated qualifications and pick someone! Luckily Stephen's parents are combining to visit that week as well as the previous and following weekend! His father will be presenting at a convention during the week, so his mother will be staying with us and looking after Sophia the first week I go back to work! I am so glad she could be here, it will ease the transition so much nicer!
I have been trying to do some stocking up on diapers recently. I have asked many of the women and mothers I know on Facebook if they would mind sending me any unneeded coupons they come across for baby items as well as healthy food and anything else, really. Sophia is almost getting too big for size 2 diapers, so I have been just buying size 3, and as soon as the supply of 2 that I have runs out, we will just go straight to 3! What a big girl, I can't believe it!
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