Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sophia's Favorite Pastimes

At this time in her life, Sophia's favorite things to do are to stick her fingers in her mouth and rock in her chair. She can rock all by herself but she also appreciates help when she is trying to rock herself to sleep. She likes sticking her fingers in her mouth a lot (I assume it's pretty exciting to figure out you have hands!), but sometimes goes a bit too far and it ends badly. Occasionally, she will get tired of sticking her hands in her mouth and attempt to stick her shirt/dress/blanket in her mouth. I assume the texture is quite the experience. She has also gotten into blowing spit bubbles and raspberries, as well as "talking" to us lately too.
Here is a little video of the rocking and the fingers in action!

Her daddy is a good daddy and plays classical music for her too. It might also be to help us calm down when she is fussing and can't quite tell us what the matter is and it frustrates mommy and Sophia. He knows his girls well!

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