I am still fitting into most of my clothes. Most of them. Almost. I am wearing a pair of jeans right now that have always fit like slim skinny jeans. But never before have they fit so snug. Well, perhaps after a Chipotle dinner, but that is an exception. I almost used the old "hairband through the button hole and hooked around the button" trick, but I tried and succeeded with the button itself. I felt pretty accomplished until Stephen joked that he saw the button making a strained face. I still feel pretty good about it- and told him that we should go run our errands before I got to big to fit in these jeans. (they are mostly his errands and I am doing him a favor by coming with him so he's not stuck while his oil gets changed!)
I went to a class about genetic testing on Tuesday, and while I have read about these types of tests in some of my pregnancy books, I was not sure I fully understood. They can do two types of tests: definitive and non-definitive. The definitive tests collect DNA directly from the baby, which usually entails sticking a needle in your belly, one way or another. The non-definitive tests are mostly blood tests or testing from my DNA, which will give you stats but no definite facts about the baby. So basically, you can get facts if your willing to have a needle getting near your baby, or you can get blood tests and have ideas about what might be going on with your baby, but nothing for sure. I wished that Stephen could have gone with me but after taking the class, I decided for myself that I wanted none of the testing. I thought about the blood tests, but then if a warning sign does show up, what would we do with it? I'm not interested in the needle-in-the-belly tests, not even just for my own discomfort, but also they also increase the chance of miscarriage. And on top of that, if I knew something was wrong with my baby, what would I do with that information? What could I do about it? Really, nothing. I would rather take my chances- which, by the way, are very favorable for with my age and health in consideration. Stephen agreed with my after I told him all this after the class. And I called my mom too and she gave me a similar opinion. Apparently they had suggested "counseling" for her when she was pregnant with me, because there were some warning signs, but she had told them that God would have his way, regardless, and I was born (and still am) very healthy. I would rather just not get worked up about things I can't control. Plus, medical professionals consider normal ultrasounds to provide sufficient information, and other tests are just for the parents' consideration. Too much information, if you ask me.
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