There's our baby, in all of it's glory! We're debating on if it looks more like a gummy bear or a turtle. I'm glad it has all of it's limbs, and it's kind of nice to see that I'm not just imagining all this. I only have gained a few pounds, which makes me happy after all the eating I've been doing, but it's a healthy amount, so everybody's happy. The doctor said I might not really start showing till as late as 7 months because of my stature. That's good because I'm still fitting into my clothes, but annoying because I have to explain that I have to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes because I am, in fact, pregnant. Everybody's healthy and I found out my blood type (O+, which is the same as Stephen, actually). And our semi-official due date is, indeed, March 13. Which is, coincidentally, both Stephen and my father's birthdays. We're very happy and excited!
The second picture shows the baby's heartbeat (super fast by grown person standards, but totally normal for a developing baby).
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