Sunday, August 12, 2012


I went to bed last night feeling all sorts of yucky. Sore throat, tummy pain, stuffed nose, and general aches were all included. I'm not sure it's something I should go to the hospital about, but then again, I do have military health care, so maybe I should just go. I'm not sure what I'm allowed to take, being pregnant and all, but it is their job to know. I'm going to start with making a lemon/ginger/ honey drink that I got the inspiration for online. My throat hurt a bit when I woke up yesterday morning, and I had a cup of mint tea and felt much better. It's really a strange feeling when you don't know what to do about your own body.
I had my first really rough day of pregnancy two days ago. I woke up feeling especially nauseous and the trend only continued throughout the day. It culminated in me being 10 minutes late for work because of trying to prevent myself from feeling especially sick. Gladly, I work with mostly women, whom most of have had children or are at least interested and understanding.
I have nothing medical to report otherwise. My appointment is drawing close, and I am not counting down the days yet, but I am excited for it. I would really like some official answers.  When is my official due date? What teas am I really allowed to drink? How do I get one of those baby of board parking passes?
My online class starts in two weeks and I am very excited about it. I have been able to take some time off and I now feel more ready to finish my degree. I only have five classes left! The one I'm taking now called professional seminar, about resumes and cover letters and how to interview and such. Next semester I hope to be able to do my internship. There is lots of places to do a fashion internship in Austin, so that should be fun. And after I complete those, I'll only have 3 classes left, and I'll have to come back to Ohio for a semester and finish those. How do I plan to do that, with a baby, and a husband, and where will I stay, how will I pay for it, and how will I get there? I have no idea yet. I have decided that situation will be a bridge I cross when I come to it. But the end goal is a degree, which I have every intent on earning.  I'd like to have it and be able to go out into the workforce around the same time the baby can go to military day care (a fabulous system, apparently).  I'd like to be able to contribute more in our family, make some headway towards a career, and make some bigger chunks in my school/car loans!

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