Friday, September 14, 2012

The bump is here to stay

It has been becoming increasingly clear to me that I will actually end up needing some maternity clothes. I had been trying to deny this fact, but now, as I wake up every morning with a bump that is not just a "Chipotle baby", I realize that I will not actually be shaped the same as I am now throughout this whole event. I have determined that the place to start is with a pair of maternity leggings. The only problem is I'm not sure where to go from there. I want thick leggings that aren't going to fall down on me, will wash well, and are long enough. I'd put down a little money since I'm probably going to be wearing these every other day or so... but I don't want to spend a fortune. Especially since I've been a bit of an expensive date lately...
But the good news about that is I got a job as a key holder making good money at the BCBG outlet in Round Rock and I could not be more excited. All the more reason I need to be looking fresh all the time. Who is going to listen to a badly dressed key holder? I'm going to be working a lot more, but I'm just excited because our money worries are going to be less worrisome. Especially if we're smart and keep working hard.  I know Stephen is already working hard, and may even get a promotion (if he's lucky) before the baby comes that would mean a bit extra on top of that before the baby comes. He's working hard and I want to work hard too.

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