Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weekend Update

This past weekend the Millets came down and visited us. It was an awesome weekend. I think everyone can agree when I say that we did tons of fun stuff, but also had some time to relax. We took them the one of the Alamo Draft House Theaters, where we saw Paranorman (I thought it was kind of intense for a kids movie- especially in the middle, but it ended up sweet in the end) and ate dinner (the theaters have a whole menu to order off of and "bars" in front of every row of seats. The next day, we took Violet out with us and went to a park and went to dog friendly parks and restaurants and shopping centers. She got so much attention, and loved every minute of it. We also visited the Whole Foods Headquarters, a quirky toy store, West Elm, and a 50's inspired bowling alley/restaurant/ bar/ karaoke place where we played pop culture trivia. My mom and dad would be so proud- I got us one question purely because of their love for Star Trek. It was about an android with yellow eyes, a daughter named Lal and a pet cat. I got the answer- it was Data. Stephen and John did a lot of the answering, but we all helped with something. Peggy was our Mork and Mindy expert. Also, this place's karaoke binders were huge. We didn't know where to start, so half the time we were just looking for the next song to sing. It was super fun, though. I had a couple amazing ginger beers that tingled in the back of my throat (that's how you know it's real ginger!). The last day they were here, we had a little cookout at our house and just hung out. It was really sad to see them go, but I look forward to visiting after the baby is born and hanging out more.
I haven't been craving sweets much in my pregnancy, with a few exceptions, but today I can't get enough. I made cinnamon chocolate cupcakes with cinnamon honey cream cheese frosting as a result of watching a few too many episodes of "DC Cupcakes" today while folding laundry. I made a lot of cupcakes... but somehow I think I'll manage to eat them. Perhaps to my determent.

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